Spectrally Resolved Detector Arrays for Multiplexed Biomedical Fluorescence Imaging

eBook - Springer Theses

Erschienen am 09.08.2018, Auflage: 1/2018
111,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783319982557
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 6.55 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book describes the design, development, characterisation and application of two novel fluorescence imaging instruments based on spectrally resolved detector arrays (SRDAs). The simplest SRDA is the standard colour camera, which integrates a Bayer filter array of red, green and blue colour filters to replicate the colour sensing capability of the human eye. The SRDAs used in this book contain many more colours, ranging from 16 to over 100 colour channels. Using these compact, robust and low-cost detectors for biomedical applications opens new avenues of exploration that were not possible before, in particular, the use of spectral imaging in endoscopy. The work presented shows for the first time that not only can this new type of camera be used for fluorescence imaging, but also that it is able to resolve signals from up to 7 different dyes a level of multiplexing not previously achieved in tissue with such compact and robust equipment. Furthermore, it reports the application of abimodal endoscope performing both reflectance and fluorescence imaging using thesecameras in an ex vivo pig oesophagus model.


A. Siri Luthman} graduated in 2013 with a first class MSci degree in physics from Imperial College London (London, UK). She received a Ph.D. degree in Physics in 2017 from the University of Cambridge (Cambridge, UK), where her thesis work focused on the use of spectrally resolving detector arrays for multiplexed biomedical fluorescence imaging. She is currently pursuing postodoctoral research within the field of biomedical imaging.

Dr. Luthman was a recipient of the George and Lillian Scholarship and EPSRC Studentship in 2013-2016 and was awarded the Foundation BLANCEFLOR Scholarship in 2016.


Summary and Rationale.- Spectral Imaging Systems and Sensor Characterisations.- Wide-field fHSI with a Linescan SRDA.- A Multispectral Endoscope Based on SRDAs.- Conclusions and Outlook.

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